I hate to be a negative Nancy, but I sure do love summer and the time away from working it gives me. By the time May rolls around, I am ready to ditch the children and be home relaxing with my Corgi. What exactly will I miss about summer vacation? Here are just a few...
1. The time I get to spend with Brian. Once the school year begins, our schedules are so busy that we will hardly see each other during the week. We savor our time together and remind each other it's about the quality of the time we spend together, not how much time we get together.
2. Toby. My pup and I spend so much time together in the summer. Toby and I can't be separated. He even whines outside my bedroom door in the mornings when I don't want to wake up early just so he can snuggle with me.
3. Speaking of sleeping. I will most definitely miss sleeping in. This girl loves her sleep.
4. Sonic happy hour. I love a raspberry or cherry limeade in the afternoon on those hot, hot days. Incredibly refreshing.
5. Books. There isn't much time for leisurely reading during the school year.
6. A clean house. Easy to keep up when you have a lot of free time!
7. The 7pm service at church. Brian and I have loved being able to go to the late service at church. During the school year, however, it isn't going to be practical for us. That goes for staying up late in general. Back to bed times and earlier services for us!
You're probably thinking, "ok, Little Miss Teacher, I don't get summers off, so don't complain." Yes, I am lucky to have my summers free. It is a perk to the job. I chose to be a teacher. You chose to be something else. I will always offer to swap places during the school year. I have yet to have a taker. I wonder why...
Now that I am switching my brain back to "Teacher Mode" I've started to prepare for the school year. I've decided my mantra this year is to BE POSITIVE! It is so easy to turn things in the negative direction and focus solely on what isn't working for you. It's funny because it isn't, and shouldn't be, about me. My focus needs to be the students I teach and making sure they are successful. So what do I like about going back to school?
1. School supplies. I, like many teachers, get geeked out walking through the school supply section. Planners, folders, new pens, etc. It gets me excited just to think about it!
2. The faces of my students on the first day of school. I particularly enjoy watching 6th graders walk into the building for the first time. I get a front row seat as I am right at the entrance every morning. Their faces range from terrified or oblivious all the way to extreme excitement as they imagine what lies ahead in middle school.
3. Setting up my classroom. I don't have a typical classroom. I teach in a small theater, which sometimes makes things complicated. Kids don't see it as a normal classroom; this is sometimes a good thing, and at other times not so great. However, preparing it for them is always exciting.
an old picture from the beginning of my first year when I first walked into my room.
4. Knowing I have 2 years under my belt. The first year was hard. I mean, if the opportunity presented itself to do something else, I might have jumped ship. My second year was better. I improved, having learned A TON my first year. Now, I feel so much more confident and ready for my third year. I hope this continues to grow.
5. My hubby has a job! I love that Brian is getting to do exactly what he prepared himself to do--teach theatre! Even better, he is teaching in my district. No more wonky breaks where we aren't together. Aaaand I am helping him plan curriculum, shows, etc. Even though I'm not teaching high school theatre (someday I will!), I feel like I do have a hand in helping him create his department.
Photo courtesy of Megan Hodges/Jentry Taylor
6. Being busy. Yes, I just said earlier how much I love the slow pace of summer, but I also enjoy being busy. Often, when I have nothing to do, I can get a bit bored. A change in pace is nice sometimes.
7. My coworkers. Boy, do I have some great coworkers. The teachers in my building are fabulous and extremely supportive of each other. I really enjoy being around them and have learned so much from them. That's one thing I sure do love about my building. Shout-out to Eastgate! Woot!
So let the countdown begin:
23 days until the first day of school.